just breathe?
Understanding the foundation of movement allows you a safe, supportive practice.
Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.
Mental health
Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us.
The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

sunyogatherapy is a modern interpretation of classical Eight-limbed or Hatha-Raja Yoga, deeply rooted in ethical precepts that includes elements of flowing Vinyasa, inversions and held poses that will help you to discover concentration and meditation.
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Yoga / Therapies

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Hatha Yoga
Hatha means balancing of Sun energy and Moon energy. “Ha’’ means Sun and ‘’tha’’ means Moon. So, Hatha yoga means the yoga that brings the Pingala(Sun) and Ida(Moon) nadis (energy pathways) in balance. By practicing yoga postures(asanas) you can maintain a balance in your Pingala and Ida nadis. Along with the yoga postures some breathing practices (pranayama) also helps to maintain these balance. So that your Sushumna nadi (energy pathway that pass through the center of the spine) will be activated. Awakening the Sushumna nadi leads a person towards the Truth in life, that you may call it spirituality, divinity, positivity, the Supreme consciousness, etc.

As there are so many meditation techniques available now-a-days, a practitioner can try some different kind of techniques. But after some period of time he/she has to stick with only one meditation technique and should practice continuously to go deeper and deeper to manifest their inner consciousness. That leads them towards the Ultimate consciousness.
Here I’ve listed some of the meditation practices in the homepage, that everyone can try and experience the peacefulness within.
1. Simplified Kundalini
2. Candle Meditation
3. Mindfulness on Breathing (Anapana),
4. Vipassana Meditation (As taught by S.N.Goenka ji),
5. Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep),
6. Cyclic Meditation for Stress Management (SMET - Stress Management on Excessive Tension),
7. 5 Elements & 9 Planets Meditation.
Acupuncture Therapy
It is a part of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) practice. Acupuncture is a very good therapy that treats most of the common ailments. Most effectively treated on physical conditions like Headache, Migraine, Muscle pain, Stress, Cough and cold, Back pain, Neck pain, and so on. Acupuncture needles can be put in the specific points on the meridian (energy pathways). Those who are scare of needles, can try Acupressure. Pressure can be given with fingers at the specific points instead of needles.

Thai Yoga Massage
Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient massage therapy that combines yoga and acupressure techniques. It is performed on the floor while the client remains with a thin loose fitting clothes such as cotton that won’t slide on the body, and the therapist uses their hands, feet, knees and hips to massage the client. The therapist guides the client through yoga postures and stretches while kneading and pressing the muscles. Thai Yoga Massage relieves pain and muscle tension, promotes deep relaxation and reduce stress, increase flexibility, improves circulation and lymphatic flow in the body, improves the posture of the body, improves range of motion, reduce headaches and increases the energy level of the body
Cupping Therapy
It is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on the skin for a few minutes to create suction. It can be applied for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep tissue massage.
There are two types of Cupping therapy:
• Dry
• Wet
Here we give Dry cupping where a rubber pump is used to create vacuum inside the cup. Sometimes therapist can move the cups from place to place on the skin for a massage-like effect.

Traditional Body Alignment
It can be done for those who needs complete relaxation from Stress, Muscle pain, Back pain, Shoulder pain, Neck pain, Head ache, etc. This body alignment can release the tension in your muscles and joints, so that you can perform your physical activities in a better way.
LSP (Laghu Shankha Prakshalana) & Yogic Enema
It can be taught to the participants, how to give LSP & Yogic enema for themselves. Therapist can give LSP & enema to the participants on their request. This practice can be given to those who have constipation and difficulty in bowel movement.

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Are you interested in learning more about the effect of trauma on the mind & body?
As a yoga teacher, have you had a students’ trauma triggered during one of your classes? Get the resources and tools you need to act appropriately when this happens.
- Monday, July 19 at 6:00PM EST
Meet our people.
Amanda Johson
Hatha Trainer
Marguerite is a Yoga Instructor from New Hampshire. She attended Ithaca College, where she earned a degree in clinical exercise science

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